
Joining together as a community to promote and enhance the quality of life within our neighborhood.


(Finalized details will be published closer to these events!)

March 24th - General Meeting at Stoneridge Elementary School - 6:30 p.m. - Meeting + corn hole and kids activities!!  Scroll down to see the agenda.

May 17th - Cornhole Tournament at Harry Crabb Park - 9:00 a.m.

May 19th - General Meeting w/Roseville Mayor and Roseville Police Department - 6:30 p.m. at Cambria Park

June 14th - Stoneridge Stroll - Meet at Harry Crabb Park at 9:00 a.m.

June 28th - Wheels Parade - Meet at Harry Crabb Park at 9:00 a.m.

August 5th - National Night Out at Harry Crabb Park - 5:30-7:30 p.m.

September 22nd - General Meeting at Stoneridge Elementary - 6:30 p.m. Activities and speaker to be announced.

October 5th - Bocce Ball Tournament at Harry Crabb Park - 9:00 a.m.

October XX - Trunk or Treat at Stoneridge School

November 17th - General Meeting and Elections - 6:30 p.m.

December - Holiday Decorating Contest



   We are a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA)

We have a lot in common living in Roseville. Together, we enjoy and care for our homes, families and neighbors, share the treasure of our trails and open spaces, and take advantage of our proximity to schools, churches, and an array of shopping and entertainment opportunities.  And, we value our public safety and reliable utilities and other city services. So, the Stoneridge Neighborhood Association and our new website are about YOU and the people, places, and things that are important to you.

Here are our two goals!   

First, we want this website to bring you news on events and activities that  help enrich your lifestyle here in Stoneridge, Roseville, and South Placer. 

Second, we want to invite you to join us in getting involved in the Stoneridge Neighborhood Association to help enhance our great Stoneridge lifestyle.  Your volunteer Board enjoys serving you, and we encourage you to get  engaged!

This website will also keep you up to date on our Board meetings and our General Membership meetings  where everyone is welcome!

Go here to learn more about us: https://sna.rcona.org/about

Go here for Stoneridge News: https://sna.rcona.org/news

Go here for Harry Crabb Park information: Harry Crabb Central 

Go here to read our monthly newsletters: Stoneridge Newsletters  


Stoneridge Neighborhood Association

“A member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations”

March 24, 2025, 6:30 PM

Stoneridge Elementary School - 2501 Alexandra Dr




1.     Call to Order - Christie Borchin has an excused absence.

2.     Guest speaker - Roseville Police Department

3.     Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (Per Bylaws, no action can be taken on these items due to posting requirements on a future agenda.)

4.     Review and Approve the Minutes of the February 24, 2025 meeting

5.     Receive and file the Treasurer's Report

6.     RCONA Update & Internal Grant Discussion

7.     Committee Business

a.        Newsletter

8.     Old Business

a.        SNA Calendar (Including Community Recognition Dessert @ Maidu - April 25th, 7-9 PM)

b.        Community Input/Survey

c.        Door Prizes

9.     Adjourn the SNA meeting to April 28, 2025 at Suzanne’s home, 6:30 PM (All residents and business within Stoneridge are welcome to all meetings/events.)

10.  Indoor cornhole

 Email SNA@RCONA.ORG for more information.  

Are you new to our site?  If yes, we suggest you do the following:

1- Sign-up so we know who you are --- See the Sign-up for Stoneridge Neighborhood Notifications Questionnaire. 

2- Consider becoming a patron to help us raise funds.  The donations will be used for community outreach activities including fun events for our residents to join together.
To give go here: